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Indian Journal of Animal Research
Year 2024, Volume-58, Issue-10 (October)
Print ISSN: 0367-6722
Online ISSN: 0976-0555

Table of Contents


Developmental Anatomy of Gray Matter of Spinal Cord in Animals with Special Reference to Prenatal Goat: A Review
S. Maya

An Insight into the Roles of Zona Pellucida in Growth and Development of Mammalian Ocytes and Embryos: Changes of Age-related and Cryopreservation: A Review
A.A. Mohammed, S. Al-Suwaiegh, I. Al-Gherair

The Adjuvant Impacts of Antioxidant Micronutrients on Ovarian Follicle Development, Oocyte Maturation and Embryo Development of Mammalian Species: A Review
A.A. Mohammed, S. Al-Suwaiegh, I. Al-Gherair, S. Al-Khamis, S. Al-Awaid, A. Mohammed, A. Mohammed


Thiol Cathepsins and Oxidative Modification of Stallion’s Seminal Plasma Proteins with Normal and Low Percentage of Live Spermatozoa Post Cryopreservation
Anna M. Shitikova, Mikhail M. Atroshchenko, Valentina I. Zvyagina

Effects of an Chinese Herbal Compound Prescription on Simulated Transport Stress in Mice
Xiao-Fei Jiang, Wan-Ying Pan, Shu-Xue Teng, Jian-Feng Cao

Lipopolysaccharide Stimulation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Indigenous Pigs Causes Enhanced Expression of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines Over Exotic Pigs
Jagan Mohanarao Gali, Prasant Kumar Subudhi, Parthasarathi Behera, Mohammad Ayub Ali, Ankan De, Kiran Jayappa, Girin Kalita

Biochemistry and Biotechnology

GC-MS Analysis and Molecular Docking Studies of Lavandula dentata Leaves Extract of Taif Region, Saudi Arabia
Hanan Ramadan Hamad Mohamed, Nahed Ahmed Hussien

Effects of Rotenone Exposure on Apoptosis in rAAV-NDI1-infected Neural Stem Cell Line of Minipig
Hee Jin Chun, Dong-Mok Lee, Sun-Uk Kim, Hong Jun Lee, Byoung Boo Seo

Anatomy and Histology

Gross Anatomical, Histological, Histochemical and Scanning Electron Microscopic Examination of Glandular Stomach of Chinese Goose (Anser cygnoides)
Tolgahan Deniz, Hatice Yaren Kuloğlu

Comprehensive Assessment of Lead Bioaccumulation in Helix aspersa (Müller, 1774), Snails: A Study of Histopathological and Biochemical Impacts
S. Nadji, F. Boulkenafet, S. Benzazia, L. Mellahi, F. Bououza, F.A. Al-Mekhlafi, M.S. Al-Khalifa, S. Lambiase

Histomorphological and Immunohistochemical Studies on Ovaries of Crossbred Dairy Cows with Ovarian Hypoplasia
V.R. Annie, K.M. Lucy

Radiographic Mensuration of Caudal Vena Cava, Aorta, Vertebral Length and Fourth Rib Width and Ascertaining their Ratios in Healthy Dogs
Manish Arya, S.P. Tyagi, Amit Kumar, Adarsh Kumar, Surender Kumar


Protective Effects of Teucrium polium Leaves Ethanolic Extract against Eimeria papillata-Induced Behavioral Changes in Mice
Saleh Maodaa, Saleh Al-Quraishy, Rewaida Abdel-Gaber, Afaf Alatawi, Sarah Alawwad, Dalal Alhomoud, Esam Al-Shaebi

Histological Studies on Ageing Changes in the Retina of Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
A. Prasanth Babu, P. Jagapathi Ramayya, Y. Nagamalleswari, Makkena Sreenu, K. Lakshmi Kavitha

A Clinical Study on the Surgical Management of Third Eyelid Gland Prolapse in Dogs
D. Sri Sowmya, K. Jagan Mohan Reddy, C. Latha

In vitro Assessment of the Insecticidal Activity of Nerium oleander Extract against German Cockroaches (Blattella germanica)
Mohammed M. Mares, Mutee Murshed, Hossam M.A. Aljawdah, Waleed Ali Hailan, Saleh Al-Quraishy

Effects of Vitis vinifera Leaves on the Oxidative Status of New Zealand Rabbit Liver Infected with Eimeria stiedae
Mohammed M. Mares, Rewaida Abdel-Gaber, Saleh Al-Quraishy

Induction of Apoptosis and ROS Production in Liver Cancer Cells by Saponin Fraction from Alcea rosea L. Seeds
N.M.T. Abutaha, R. Alghamdi, M. Al-Waddan

Comparative Study on the Anaesthetic Effect of Tiletamine-zolazepam and Propofol as an Induction Agent for Conventional and Endoscopic Abdominal Surgeries in Domestic Cats
S.A. Chauhan, Shubham Pant, G.S. Khandekar, S.D. Tripathi, V.D. Aher, T.I. Attar, V.G. Nimbalkar

Evaluation and Comparison of Different Surgico-chemotherapeutic Regimens for the Treatment of Malignant Canine Mammary Tumours
Rukmani Dewangan, Nutan Punchkande, Raju Sharda, Shiv Kumar Sidar, D.K. Jolhe, H.K. Ratre, Devendra Yadav

Molecular Detection and Seroprevalence of Lumpy Skin Disease in Cattle
S.D. Gayal, M.P. Sakhare, Pankaj Suman, T.A. Shafi, M.F.M.F. Siddiqui, P.V. Yeotikar

The Evolving Landscape of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Animal Health
Pil-Kee Min, Kazuyuki Mito, Tae Hoon Kim

Faecal Microbiota Transplantation in Canine Parvoviral Diarrhoea
Jyoti Chanda Kalita, Amit Prasad, S.K. Shukla, Prashant Verma, Niddhi Arora, J.L. Singh


Effect of Vitamin E and Selenium Supplementation on Growth Performance and Heat Shock Protein 70 Levels in Broiler Chickens Exposed to Summer Heat Stress
S. Bora, M. Sonowal, P. Baishya, J.D. Mahanta, A.K. Saikia, M. Sarma, P. Deka, P. Borah

Management and Production

Influence of in situ Biofloc Production on Bio Growth Performance, Physiological Immune Response, Digestive Enzyme Activity, Nutrient Composition and Disease Resistance of Etroplus suratensis
A. Jackqulinwino, B. Ahilan, Cheryl Antony, P. Chidambaram, A. Uma, P. Ruby

Case Report

Idiopathic Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia (IMHA) in a 2.5-Month-old Puppy: A Case Report
Sashitola Ozukum, Neithono Kuotsu, Keneisezo Kuotsu, Laltlankimi, N. Bhumapati Devi, Tukheswar Chutia, Haihungyile Ndang, Gunjan Das

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