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Indian Journal of Animal Research
Year : 2007, Volume : 41, Issue : 1
First page : ( 47) Last page : ( 50)
Print ISSN : 0367-6722.

General and specific combining ability of rabbit for different productive traits

Das S.K., Das A., Goswami S.

ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umium-793 103, Meghalaya, India.


The result of present study showed that among the pure breeds SC was the best in respect of carcass traits. It reveals presence of considerable additive and non-additive genetic variation. GCA of SC was best followed by GCA of NZW and GCA of LC. This indicates that SC would do better when crossed with other genetic groups. However a critical examination of SCA effects in regard of carcass traits was found indicative of LC x NZW to accrue some additional advantages by way of non-additive gene effects. It appears that both SC and NZW could be used effectively to cross with indigenous breed of Meghalaya rabbit for the improvement of germplasam.


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