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Indian Journal of Animal Research
Year : 2007, Volume : 41, Issue : 1
First page : ( 39) Last page : ( 42)
Print ISSN : 0367-6722.

Study on udder characteristics of buffaloes with socio-economic status of owners in Marathwada

Bainwad D.V., Deshmukh B.R., Chauhan D.S.*, Thombre B.M.

Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, College of Agriculture, Latur-413 5l2 (M.S.), India.

*Adress for correspondance: Prof. D.S. Chauhan, College of Agriculture, Latur, District Latur-413 512 (M.S.), India.


The survey was conducted under watershed area for 200 dairy farmers rearing Marathwadi, Pandharpuri and Surti buffaloes by personal interviews and judging the udder, teat and milk vein characteristics of buffaloes. The results indicated that most of the farmers are young and hard working (38.50 per cent). Marathwadi (44.04 per cent) and Pandharpuri (43.24 per cent) breed has predominantly bowl and Surti pendulous (41.18 per cent) shape of udder, respectively. Medium size fore udder (66.00 per cent) and large size rear udder (56.50 per cent) was recorded maximum in all buffaloes. The cylindrical teat shape (53.50 per cent), wide placement of teat at back (52.50 per cent) and medium size milk veins (61.50 per cent) were mostly recorded in all breeds of bufiloes. In the surveyed area Marathwai buffaloes (54.50 per cent) population was higher as compared to Pimdluirpuri (37.00 per cent) and Surti (8.50 per cent).


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