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International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 215) Last page : ( 218)
Print ISSN : 2347-8632. Online ISSN : 2454-2652.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2652.2020.00049.9

A Study to assess the effectiveness of mobile phone assisted supportive psychotherapy on anxiety among patients admitted in Intensive care unit at selected Hospitals in Kanyakumari District

Vethadhas P.1,*, Rajkumar D. R.2

1M.Sc. Nursing, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Cherraan's College of Nursing, Coimbatore, India

2Assistant Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Cherraan's College of Nursing, Coimbatore, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: vethadhasvin@gmail.com

Online published on 10 August, 2020.


Background of the study

Anxiety is a universal experience that appears in response to demands or threats as a sign of search for adaptation. The nature of the ICU environment, the patients’ experiences, and the treatments they receive while in the ICU may leave long-standing psychological symptoms that impair their quality of life and sought developed anxiety due to the negative perception of the ICU environment. This area can be better served if the nursing personnel during their routine round could take moment to counsel or give some orientation to the patients in a causal manner. It will go a long way to relax the patients and calm them as well. Hence as an investigator felt the need of the present study “to assess the effectiveness of video assisted programme to reduce anxiety among patients admitted in intensive care unit” at selected hospitals kanyakumari district.

Material and method

A true experimental design was adopted for this study. The conceptual framework adopted for this study was based on the model of General System Theory of Karl Ludwig VonBertalanffy, in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The Research design adopted was pretest posttest control group design. The tool adopted for the study is standardized “Beck anxiety Inventory scale”. The main study was conducted among 30 patients. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 15 patients into experimental group and 15 patients into control group. The study lasted for a period of 4 weeks during which, the first and second weeks subjects were selected by lottery method, the duration of 3 times/day for 3 days. Demographic data was collected from the subjects. The data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, the hypothesis was tested, the objectives were achieved and the result was presented.


The findings of the study revealed that in the pretest, majority 8(53.33%) of patients had moderate level of anxiety and 7(46.67%) had severe level of anxiety in the experimental group and whereas in the post test after the MAS Psychotherapy majority 10(66.67%) had mild anxiety and 5(33.33%) had no anxiety in the experimental group. The result showed that the post-test mean score of anxiety among Intensive care unit patients in the experimental group was 4.5 with S.D 4.71 and the post-test mean score of anxiety among Intensive care unit patients in the control group was 33.7 with S.D 5.23. The calculated unpaired ‘t’ value of t = 3.302 was found to be statistically significant at p<0.05 level. This clearly indicates that after the administration of Mobile phone Assisted Supportive Psychotherapy among Intensive care unit patients in the experimental group there was a significant reduction in the level of anxiety than the Intensive care unit patients in the control group who underwent normal hospital routine measures. Thus nurses can give Mobile Phone Assisted Supportive Psychotherapy to patientsas it is one of the best, non-pharmacological and cost effective interventions proved to reduce anxiety among Intensive care unit patients.



Anxiety, patients, Intensive care unit, Mobilephone assisted supportive psychotherapy, hospitals.


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