“Cut the Cord but don't throw it away”-Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Rashmi*, Pillai Kavita Faculty of Nursing, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana *Corresponding Author E-mail: rashming714@gmail.com
Online published on 3 June, 2020. Abstract Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation has been used to cure many malignant disorders, hematological conditions, immune deficiency disorders and inherited metabolic disorders. Cord Blood Collection procedure is safe for mother as well as baby in an otherwise uncomplicated delivery. According to Indian academy of pediatrics public cord blood banking should be promoted over private banking. Private cord blood banking is highly recommended when an already existing family member is suffering from diseases managed by stem cell transplantation. Otherwise, private cord blood banking is not a ‘biological insurance’, and should not be encouraged. At present, autologous cord stem cells cannot be used for treating diseases of genetic origin, metabolic disorders and hematological cancers. Advertisements for private umbilical cord blood banking are often misleading. Top Keywords Umbilical cord blood, Stem cell transplantation, Public and Private banking. Top | |
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