A study to assess the effectiveness of concept map teaching method on knowledge regarding self-esteem among nursing students at selected Nursing Colleges of Mysuru. Mrs. J Lissa1, Mrs. Saraswathi K. N.1, Prof. Willimas Sheela2 1Assist Prof, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru 2Principal, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru Online published on 3 June, 2020. Abstract Background and Objectives The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of concept map teaching method on knowledge regarding self-esteem among nursing students at selected colleges of Mysuru Objectives 1. To assess the level of knowledge regarding self-esteem among nursing students 2. To assess the effectiveness of concept map teaching on knowledge regarding self-esteem among nursing students 3. To find the association between pre-test level of knowledge regarding self-esteem among nursing students with their selected personal variables Methods In this study one group is pre-test and post-test, pre experimental design was used and simple random sampling technique was adopted to select nursing students in Mysuru. Pilot study was conducted, the tool and study design were found to be feasible. Data were collected using structured knowledge questionnaire were given to Nursing students. The data were collected and analyses using descriptive and inferential statistics Result The result of the study reveal that the significance of the difference between the mean pre-test and mean post-test scores which was statistically tested using paired ‘t’ test. The mean difference between the mean pre-test and mean post-test knowledge scores was 8.7 with standard deviation difference 0.67. The paired ‘t’ test (59) 19.54 which was found to be highly significant at 0.05 level of significance. The result also shows that the knowledge of nursing students had no significant association with their selected personal variables expect previous knowledge regarding self-esteem Conclusion There for, the study concluded that the administration of concept map teaching programme was an effective method of improve the knowledge of Nursing students regarding self-esteem Top Keywords Knowledge, Self-esteem, Nursing students. Top |