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International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 1
First page : ( 7) Last page : ( 7)
Print ISSN : 2347-8632. Online ISSN : 2454-2652.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2652.2020.00003.7

Effectiveness of the Structures Teaching Programme on Stem Cell Therapy

Bel G. L. Abisha*

Asst Professor, P. S College of Nursing, Thalakulam

*Corresponding Author E-mail: abishabelgl@gmail.com

Online published on 24 February, 2020.


Modern therapeutic system has been undergoing a tremendous change in recent times. Amidst the recent developments, stem cell therapy is going to be one of the most promising one to treat many of the genetic diseases as well as organ failures. The stem cells achieved its importance as a source of treating many of genetic diseases just because of its totipotent nature. Totipotency is the ability of any cell to become the choice of cell want to be developed. Recent studies show that almost 75 genetic diseases and more than 20, 000 transplantations could be achieved by using stem cells. Present study has been conducted among the final year B. Sc., Nursing students at P.S College of Nursing, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India. Quantitative approachand quasi experimental was followed by the students, where one group pre-test, post-test design was adopted. Forty students were selected by convenient sampling method. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge. In structured teaching programme, post-test was conducted by the seventh day. According to the pre-test results, no one had adequate knowledge, wereas 40% had inadequate knowledgeand 60 percent of the population had a moderate knowledge. From the post-test analysis it is evident that, 55% of the students were aware of stem cell therapy and 40 percent of them had a moderate knowledge. The percentage of population with inadequate knowledge brought down to a level of 5%. The results reveal the fact that the structural teaching programme on stem cell therapy was very effective.



Assessment, Structured teaching, Genetic diseases, Stem cell therapy, Nursing graduates.


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