Factious Syndrome or Munchausen Syndrome Mahiba P. Jabalin* Assistant Professor, P.S. College of Nursing, Thalakulam, Kanyakumari, District, Tamilnadu, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: jabalinmahiba@gmail.com
Online published on 3 January, 2020. Abstract People with factious syndrome deliberately produce a exaggerate symptoms in several ways. They may lie about or false symptoms, hurt themselves to bring on symptoms. The exact cause is not known. Many biological and psychological factors are related with this disorder. Diagnosing factious disorder is very difficult but doctors must rule out any possible physical or mental illness before a diagnosis of factious syndrome can be considered. There are no standard therapies for factious syndrome and treatment include psychotherapy, family therapy and meditation. Top Keywords Factious syndrome, Munchausen syndrome. Top | |
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