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International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 4
First page : ( 315) Last page : ( 320)
Print ISSN : 2347-8632. Online ISSN : 2454-2652.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2652.2018.00072.0

Self Help Groups and Women Empowerment-A Study of Khordha District in Odisha

Mr. Mohanty Abhijit1,*, Dr. Mishra Satya Prakash1,**

Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar-04, Odisha

1HOD, Dept. of Business Administration, S.C.S. (Autonomous) College, Puri-752001, Odisha

*Corresponding Author E-mail: abhijitmohanty.1986@gmail.com


Online published on 27 December, 2018.


In India, the trickle down effects of macroeconomic policies have failed to resolve the problem of gender inequality. Women have been the vulnerable section of society and constitute a sizeable segment of the poverty-struck population. Women face gender specific barriers to access education, health, employment etc. Since women's empowerment is the key to socio economic development of the community; bringing women into the mainstream of national development has been a major concern of government. This study has made attempt to highlight the characteristics and impact of Self Help Groups on women in selected blocks in Khurda District of Odisha. 180 members were purposively selected from 9 Women SHGs operating in five selected blocks of Khurda district. The objective of the study is to analyze the operating system of SHGs and to understand the impact of SHGs on psychological, economic and social wellbeing of women in rural areas. The study has able to identify different aspects related to SHGS and women empowerment. The study suggested some necessary steps to be deployed in order to bring women into the mainstream of national development.



Women Empowerment, Self Help Group, Economic development, Social and psychological wellbeing, Managerial aspects.


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