A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding rota virus vaccine for prevention of diarrhea among mothers of underfive children in rural community of Mehsana District Mr. Patel Janki* Assistant Professor, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Tal-Visnagar, Dist-Mehsana (Gujarat) 384120 *Corresponding Author E-mail: jankiniravpatel@gmail.com
Online published on 21 August, 2018. Abstract Background Children are an embodiment of our dream. They are the most vulnerable group in the society. So children need special care to survive with good health. Children are most susceptible to disease for a number of reasons. Researchers have made great studies in controlling many child hood disease. Vaccine, in particular have saved thousands of young lives and with proper use. Aims and Objective To assess the level of knowledge regarding Rota virus vaccine, To findout the association between knowledge score with selected demographic variables. Material and Methods The data were collected from 60 Mothers of under five children by purposive sampling techniques with the use structured questionnaire and descriptive design was used. Result mothers of under five children's having adequate knowledge 53.4%, moderate 35%, and inadequate 11.6% regarding Rota virus vaccine for prevention of diarrhea and there was no significant association found between knowledge scores and demographic variables Conclusion The major conclusion drawn from this study was that highest percentage 53.4% mothers of under five children had adequate knowledge regarding rotavirus vaccine for prevention of diarrhea. Top Keywords Assess, knowledge, Rota virus, and mothers of under five children. Top |