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International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 16) Last page : ( 18)
Print ISSN : 2347–8632. Online ISSN : 2454–2652.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454–2652.2016.00004.4

A Pre-experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Planned Parenthood among Primigravida Women in Selected Areas of District Jalandhar, Punjab, 2015.

Ms. Kaur Sandeep1, Ms. Kaur Ramandeep2, Ms Sharma Sonia3

1M. Sc(N) Final Year student, Department of Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing, S.G.L. Nursing College Semi, Jalandhar, Punjab

2Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing, S.G.L. Nursing College Semi, Jalandhar, Punjab

3Department of Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing, S.G.L. Nursing College Semi, Jalandhar, Punjab

*Corresponding Author's Email: sandeepchandi07@gmail.com

Online published on 23 May, 2016.


Background of the study

Pregnancy and Childbirth are the most important event of a woman's life. Too many mothers and children in the world are dying or suffering from the effect of ill health, poor nutrition and inadequate health care. Each year, more than half a million mothers die in childbirth. Parenting is the hardest job any people will ever have. Planning about parenthood is considered as a vital step in economic and social planning. It helps to improve socio cultural changes, provide an opportunity for the couple to decide the family size, thereby reduce the mortality and morbidity rate of mother and children.


  1. To assess the pretest knowledge regarding planned parenthood among primigravida women.

  2. To assess the posttest knowledge regarding planned parenthood among primigravida women.

  3. To compare the pretest and posttest knowledge regarding Planned Parenthood among primigravida women.

  4. To find out the association between posttest knowledge regarding planned parenthood among primigravida women and selected socio-demographic variables.

Research Methodology

Pre-experimental research design (one group pretest and posttest) research design was used in the study. The sample size was 60 primigravida women were selected from selected areas of district Jalandhar, Punjab using Multistage sampling technique.

Result and Conclusion

The pretest mean knowledge score was 14.43 and posttest mean knowledge score was 24.48. The significant difference between pretest and posttest mean knowledge 16.800* so research hypothesis (H1) was accepted at p<0.05 level of significance. Hence, it was concluded that structured teaching programme was useful in providing knowledge regarding Planned Parenthood.



Structured teaching programme, knowledge, Planned Parenthood.


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