In-Situ Rumen Degradation of Dry Matter and Nitrogen in some Concentrate Feed Supplements Negi S.S., Singh B., Makkar H.P.S. Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Regional Station, Palampur176061, India Online published on 5 January, 2012. Abstract In situ rumen degradability (dg) of DM and N in 16 concentrate feed supplements of vegetable and animal origin was studied according to two concepts : (i) assuming that the whole material is degraded in course of time and (ii) taking in to consideration only the potentially degradable fraction at the peak of fermentation. The difference in the two sets of values were non-significant. However, the pairing technique revealed that the differences were significant (P<0.01), but the overall difference was of the order of 2 percentage units only.
The effective dg of N was corrected for bacterial N contamination on a consideration of N deposited at various hours on N free DM similarly fermented in the rumen. Even the pairing technique failed to bring out any significant differences in the values obtained by the two modes of calculation. The effective dg (%) of corrected N(y) was invariably higher and related to that of uncorrected N(x) by the significant (P<0.01) regression equation (y -- 0.893x + 13.2). Top | |
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