Mineral Content of White Mangrove (Avicennia Officinalis) and Certain Coastal Grasses of Gujarat Shukla Piyushkant C., Shukla P.C. Animal Nutrition Department, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand Campus, Anand388 110, India. Online published on 21 January, 2012. Abstract Mineral compositional analysis of certain coastal shrubs and grasses of Gujarat State was carried out with a view to determine their suitability as animal fodder. Thus, leaves of White mangrove (Aviceunia officinalis) shrub and Aal (Halopyrum mucronatum L. stapf), Moras (Suaeda nudiflora meg) and Ganthiu (Spermacae hispida) grasses were analysed for Ca, P, NaCl, I, Cu,++ Mr and Fe content. Their suitability for livestock feeding is discussed. Top | |
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