Utilization of Cashew Apple Waste in Dairy Cattle Feed Sundaram R.N.S. ICAR. Research Complex for Goa, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Ela, Old Goa-403 402, India Online published on 21 January, 2012. Abstract Cashew apple waste (CAW), a seasonal waste product, was analysed and incorporated in the concentrate mixture at 10% level of replacement of groundnut cake. Effect of feeding CAW on milk production was studied in Gir cows for 90 days experimental period. The average daily DM intake was 8.92 and 8.95 kg and milk yield was 5.17 and 5.19 kg for the experimental and control groups, respectively, indicating no significant difference between the groups. The study suggested that cashew apple waste can be incorporated in dairy cattle feed at 10% level without any adverse influence on milk production. Top | |
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