Effect of Feeding Bypass Fat on Feed Intake, Milk Production and Body Condition of Holstein Friesian Cows Garg Manget Ram, Mehta A.K. Biotechnology Laboratory, National Dairy Development Board, Anand-388 001, India Online published on 29 December, 2011. Abstract Bypass fat, produced from rapeseed acid oil (a by-product of oil refining process having 80 per cent degree of saponification), was incorporated in the ration of Holstein Friesian (HF) cows @500g/head/d for a period of six months. Feeding bypass fat significantly (P<0.05) improved milk yield 1 and 4% fat corrected milk (FCM) without affecting total DM intake. The initial body condition score of 1.0 of the experimental cows was changed to 0.5 in control and 1.5 in experimental cows at the end of trial period, indicating that cows in control group lost more body weight. Average period for conception after calving was 92 d in experimental cows compared to 118 d in control. Top Keywords Bypass fat, Milk production, Body condition score, Cows. Top | |
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