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Indian Journal of Agronomy
Year 2023, Volume-68, Issue-1 (March)
Print ISSN : 0537-197X
Online ISSN : 0974-4460

Table of contents RSS Feed

Research Papers

Production maximization of rainy season rice (Oryza sativa) through effective use of water and solar radiation under modified system of rice intensification in Assam
R. Kalita, R.K. Thakuria, B.K. Medhi, M. Saikia

Impact of integrated nutrient management on crop productivity and soil fertility under rice (Oryza sativa)-chickpea (Cicer arietinum) cropping system in Chhattisgarh plain agro-climatic zone
R.K. Thakur, N.K. Bisen, A.K. Shrivastava, S.K. Rai, S. Sarvade

Residual effects of herbicides on weed interference and productivity in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under a conservation agriculture-based onion (Allium cepa)-wheat cropping system
Hari Singh Meena, T.K. Das, K.S. Rana, Rajendra Prasad Meena, Ranjan Bhattacharya, Arti Bhatia, M.C. Meena, Sabina Islam, Tirthankar Banerjee, Sourav Ghosh

Integrated nutrient management in barley (Hordeum vulgare) under central plateau and hills agroecological region
M.L. Jat, P.C. Chaplot, B.C. Dhayal, S.N. Meena, Reema

Productivity and profitability of maize (Zea mays) cultivars under organic management condition in mid-hills of Sikkim
Amit Kumar, Ravikant Avasthe, Raghavendra Singh, Subhash Babu, S.K. Das, N. Ravisankar, A.S. Panwar, A. Aziz Qureshi, Ramgopal Laha, V.K. Mishra, Ingudam Bhupenchandra, S.K. Prasad

Integrated nutrient management in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system
Bhawana Saharan, R.S. Yadav, S.R. Kantwa, Rakesh Kumar

Identifying a viable agro-technique to improve productivity of medium-duration pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) in north-eastern hills zones of India
DE Biman, Partha Das, D.P. Awasthi, Budhachandra Thangjam, Banani Das, Sujoy Hazari

Nutrient management of spring-summer blackgram (Vigna mungo) with cobalt, potassium and boron under different dates of sowing in Eastern India
Purabi Banerjee, V. Visha Kumari, Rajib Nath

Influence of tillage and residue-management practices and organic nutrition on performance of soybean (Glycine max) under conservation agriculture in semiarid ecology of India
Gaurav Verma, A.K. Dhaka, Bhagat Singh, Ram Prakash, Shabnam

Effect of integrated rainwater-management practices on soil properties and productivity of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in arid and semi-arid regions of Andhra Pradesh
A. Malliswara Reddy, A. Pratap Kumar Reddy, B. Ravindranatha Reddy, M.V.S. Naidu, P. Sudhakar, B. Sahadeva Reddy

Nutrition management affects cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) productivity and leaf reddening for targeted yields
Vinayak Hosamani, B.M. Chittapur, A.S. Halepyati, Venkatesh Hosamani

Planting geometry and dehaulming schedule affecting productivity of seed potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Vivek Kumar, C.S. Aulakh, Jashanjot Kaur

Effect of irrigation schedules and hydrogel levels on yield and economics of blond psyllium (Plantago ovata)
Deen Dayal Bairwa, P.C. Chaplot, Bhawani Singh Prajapat, Satyanarayan Meena, Mohan Lal Jat

Performance of diversified cropping sequences for productivity, profitability and land use efficiency under south-eastern Rajasthan, India
J.P. Tetarwal, Baldev Ram, Anju Bijarnia, Pratap Singh

Performance of anjan tree (Hardwickia binata)-based silvopasture systems under moisture-conservation practices in semi-arid conditions
S.N. Ram, M.M. Das, Akram Ahmed

Research Communications

Influence of nitrogen and weed-management practices on crop-growth indices and productivity of dry direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa)
Sachin Singh, A. Ghosh, T.K. Das, Shiva Dhar, S.M. Prasad, Sasmita Tripathy, Gaurav Verma, Jaibir Tomar

Effect of organic and inorganic nutrient sources on growth, yield and economics of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa) in Gangetic delta of West Bengal
Preetam Biswas, Mrityunjay Ghosh, Sukanta Pal, P.K. Bandopadhyay, A. Saha

Effect of nano-urea and herbicides on yield and yield attributes of wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Ayan Sarkar, Teekam Singh, Abhijeet Mondal, Sarvendra Kumar, Tapas Kumar Das, Ramanjit Kaur, Rishi Raj, Praveen Kumar Upadhyay, Susheel Sarkar

Weed and nitrogen management in zero-till wheat (Triticum aestivum) grown after rice (Oryza sativa)
K.P.R. Prasanna, A.R. Sharma

Response of alley-cropped pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) to nitrogen and zinc schedules under semi-arid regions
Kamlesh Verma, S.K. Prasad, M.K. Singh, Prashant Sharma

Conservation-agriculture practices and weed-management effects on productivity, water and energy-use efficiency of rainfed pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
Munny Chinyo, Raj Singh, Manjesh Gautam


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