Effect of 2iP on in Vitro Proliferation of Adventitious Shoots from Nodal Explants of Sultani and Conadria Fig Cultivar Mustafa N S, Zayed Nagwa S Biotechnology Laboratory Pomology Department, National Research Centre, Egypt e-mail: nabilhotline@yahoo.com
Online published on 26 February, 2019. Abstract Nodal explant of two fig cultivars (Sultani and Conadria) proliferated in vitro, were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.5mg 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). The effect of 2iP at different concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5mg/l) for their ability to induce shoot multiplication, while active charcoal and 0.1mg/l IAA and with or without 1mg/l IBA were tested for rooting in both Sultani and Conadria fig cultivars. The results revealed that the lower concentration of 2iP (0.5mg/l) increased leaf area on Sultani and Conadria fig cultivars as well as number of shoot on Conadria fig cultivar. While higher concentration of 2iP (1.5mg/l) was suitable for chlorophyll production in Sultani fig cultivar. Sultani fig cultivar surpassed Conadria fig cultivar in improving chlorophyll and number of leaves. Also, Conadria fig cultivar maximized number of shoots and leaf area. The best medium for rooting (100%) shown in one-half MS medium strength supplemented with 1.0mg/l IBA +0.1 mg/l IAA on Conadria fig cultivar as well as using 1mg/l IBA and 0.1 mg/l IAA on Sultani fig cultivar. In addition, number of roots root length were attained in one half-strength MS medium with 1.0mg/l IBA + 0.1 mg/l IAA and 1mg/l IAA on Sultani fig cultivar. Top Keywords Ficus carica L, Nodal explants, 2iP, Fig proliferation, Conadria fig cutivar, Sultani fig cultivar. Top | |
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