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Indian Horticulture Journal
Year : 2020, Volume : 10, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 22) Last page : ( 24)
Print ISSN : 2249-6823. Online ISSN : 2347-3029.

Improvement of Local Economy through the Maintenance of the Rural House Hold Bank (Piper Betel Baroj) of South Bengal

Mondal Bidisha1, Saha R2, Samanta Amit3

1Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, The Neotia University, Sarisha-743 368, West Bengal, India, (bidisha.mondal@tnu.in)

2Assistant Director, Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal, India, (saharamkrishna_02@yahoo.com)

3Field Consultant, Department of Agriculture and Food Processing, Government of West Bengal, India, (amitsamanta.horti@gmail.com)

Online published on 16 June, 2020.


The pan baroj (betel vine) found in the South of West Bengal are considered as rural household bank, as a very small pan baroj can at least secure the survival of the marginal and small farmers were boro paddy cultivation and daily laborer job is the main occupation. As betel leaves could be extracted throughout the year in a moderately maintained baroj of small area, it secures revenue earning of the farmers in their crisis period, when paddy cultivation is seized. This cultivation involves a huge number of female agricultural workers of West Bengal and involves the participation of female farming community in strengthening of local economy. The vines are deteriorating due to improper management practices and a huge wastage of surplus leaves. In this paper a simple and efficient solution is given for the rejuvenation of the dwindling betel vines (pan baroj) of South Bengal.



Rural house hold bank, Piper betle, Female farming community, Essential oil, Local economy.


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