Soft soil stabilization using natural geotextiles reinforced stone columns Balan K.*, Jayasree P.K.*, Thushara T.S.** *Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, India **Department of Civil Engineering, BM College of Engineering, Sasthamkotta, Kollam, India Online published on 12 January, 2015. Abstract Stone columns are extensively being used to improve the bearing capacity of weak soil and to reduce settlement of structures built on them. When these columns are loaded they undergo excessive bulging due to low lateral confinement from the surrounding weak soil. This problem can be solved by reinforcing the column in lateral direction, which increases the confinement of column. Provision of reinforced or unreinforced granular mat above stone column improves the performance by reducing stress concentration near top of the column. In the present study, the effect of lateral reinforcement of stone column and also the effect of reinforced or unreinforced granular mat over such laterally reinforced column with natural geotextiles were investigated using laboratory strain controlled load tests. The study reveals that the load carrying capacity of column increases by lateral reinforcement and the increase in carrying capacity depends on the type, spacing, and depth of embedment of reinforcement. In addition, the load carrying capacity of such laterally reinforced column is improved by providing a granular mat of appropriate thickness. Further, reinforced granular mat over the reinforced quarry waste column increases the load carrying capacity by double than that of unreinforced granular mat. Top | |
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