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Indian Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement
Year : 2023, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 18) Last page : ( 24)
Print ISSN : 2277-5625. Online ISSN : 2277-5633.

Rehabilitation of Ageing Masonry Dams : Application of Flexible PVC Geomembranes for Improving the Watertightness and Increasing the Service Life of the Dam

Subramanian Vinayagam1, Subramanian Jagadeesan1

1Carpi India Waterproofing Specialists, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Online Published on 24 January, 2024.


Gravity dams (Stone masonry / concrete) are designed to hold huge volumes of water only through their weight and their resistance against the foundation to withstand the horizontal pressure exerted by the water head. The ageing of these dams not just leads to loosing watertightness but, also loses the mass of the dam challenging the very purpose of its design. Deterioration and seepage cause by inadequate design /construction/operation, exceptional events or simple ageing can reduce the functional life of the dam. With recent advancements in the field of geosynthetics, their application in hydraulic structures is widely accepted and appreciated for the results and benefits attained. One such is the application of flexible geomembrane in masonry dam for rehabilitation purpose. The application of a well-designed anchorage system of the geomembranes in dams not just prevents water leakage but also ensures the integrity of these gravity structures are maintained. Geomembranes are used to waterproof all types of hydraulic structures, for dry and underwater rehabilitation and in the past few decades they are now one of the most sought after watertight element in many new dams construction. The present paper will focus on one of the major gravity dam – Upper Bhavani Dam (Stone Masonry) that was rehabilitated with flexible PVC geomembranes and how the results have benefitted the client.


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