Synthesis of research issues in corporate entrepreneurship: A literature review and indian field study
Bhardwaj B.R., Sushil, Momaya K.
With the liberalization and globalization of today's economy, a lot of pressure has come on the firms in developing countries. Firms are facing challenges in the market for survival. However, this has called for lot of innovations within the firms in terms of new business venturing, innovativeness and proactiveness that is also known as corporate entrepreneurship (CE).The present work was taken up to look into the issues concerning CE. Issues have been prescribed in two sections. In the first section, the issues from existing literature have been reviewed and synthesized and in the second section, the issues related to CE, as applicable to the information technology services’ firms in particular, have been brought out through a field study wherein interviews were conducted with 25 persons in the managerial cadre in four different Indian organizations from IT service sector. Conclusions from the literature review and field study have also been presented.
corporate entrepreneurship, internal environment, research issues.