Attitudes toward physical education and sports of secondary school students of Delhi Kumar Arvind1, Research Scholar, Singh Shahjad2, Associate Professor 1Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Chudela, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. 2SK Physical College, Jamdoli, Rajasthan. Online published on 9 January, 2012. Abstract The aims of this study was to investigate attitudes toward physical education and sports of secondary school students related to gender and age. The participants were 302 female (Mage = 13.11 ± 0.79) and 332 male (Mage = 13.14 ± 0.69) students from secondary school education aged 12 to 14 and A total of 634 students voluntarily participated in this study. The Attitudes Toward Physical Education Scale (ATPES) was applied. ANOVA was used to determine differences in attitude toward PE and between girls and boys. In order to test differences in PE class preferences of students with regard to school context and gender, chi square analysis was conducted. Men scores of ATPES for secondary school were determined 3.95 point, 4.01 point, point, respectively. Generally of secondary school students (%66.6) preferred coed physical education class preferred single-sex physical education class. This research verifies that attitudes towards physical education and PE class preferences change according to gender and age. Top Keywords Physical Education, Attitude. Top | |
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