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Economic Affairs
Year : 2018, Volume : 63, Issue : 1
First page : ( 129) Last page : ( 135)
Print ISSN : 0424-2513. Online ISSN : 0976-4666.
Article DOI : 10.30954/0424-2513.2018.00150.16

Ease of Doing Business in India: A Vision of Make in India

Singh Anjali*, Jaiswal K.K.

Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author: anjalisinghj28@gmail.com

Online published on 7 May, 2018.


India has always been viewed as an economic power house and now it is among the top five fastest improving economies in the world which clearly is the result of various reforms launched under the Make in India campaign. There has been a paradigm shift in the approach towards governance as the government has unveiled multitude of reforms aimed towards improving the business climate in India. In the recent Ease of Doing business ranking released by the Worldank India is at 100th spot which indicates that all the efforts made to make India a manufacturing hub is bearing fruits still there are few challenges which needs to be dealt in order to help India to continue its glorious run. The present paper tries to analyze the indicators of ease of doing business ranking and the major improvements done to make them of international level, it also tries to thrive on the key issues which dampens the trust of investors, various suggestions are offered which when implemented will be helpful in rebuilding the confidence of investors to invest in India and make it a preferred business destination. Overall, the study indicates that Make in India campaign will be able to achieve its objective of transforming India into a manufacturing hub.



Ease of Doing Business, Make in India, Manufacturing hub.


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