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Economic Affairs
Year : 2017, Volume : 62, Issue : 1
First page : ( 175) Last page : ( 183)
Print ISSN : 0424-2513. Online ISSN : 0976-4666.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-4666.2017.00041.9

An analysis on problems of vegetables marketing in farmers’ market of Jharkhand: A case study in Ranchi district

Shankar Tara1,*, Singh K.M.2, Dwiwedi Shudhakar3

1Agriculture and NRM Expert, SLACC project, NRLM, Patna, Bihar, India

2University Prof- cum Chief Scientist & Director Extension, DRPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar, India

3Deptt. of Agricultural Economics, Associate Prof-cum Senior Scientist, SKUAST, Jammu, India

*Corresponding author: taraignou@gmail.com

Online published on 24 November, 2017.


The green revolution is one of the greatest successes that the country has observed and resultantly achieved self-sufficiency and a good degree of stability in food grain production. However, the country still faces the challenges of comprehensive food security and malnutrition, Thus, vegetables will play an important role by contributing adequate vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, fibres etc. but it is a known fact that horticulture sector in India is constrained by low crop productivity, limited irrigation facilities and underdeveloped infrastructure support like cold storages, markets, roads, transportation facilities etc. There are heavy post-harvest and handling losses, resulting in low productivity per unit area and high cost of production. Analysis shows, there is an inverse relation between the farm size of the respondents and their overall problems of marketing vegetables in farmers’ market. It could be noted that higher their farm size, lower their overall problems of marketing vegetables in farmers’ market and the vice versa. It is noted that there is an inverse relation between the caste status of the respondents and their overall problems of marketing vegetables in farmers’ market.



Vegetables productivity, farm size, marketing costs, marketing problems.


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