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Delta National Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research
Year 2023, Volume-10, Issue-spl (January)
Print ISSN : 2279-0705

Table of contents RSS Feed

Dr. Priya D. Wanjari

The national education policy for libraries in India from 1948 to 2020: An analytical study
Sameer P. More

Digital currency: Advanced financial standard of banking system
Dr. M. K. Nannaware

Social & political transformation during 75 years of independence
Dr. Alpana Vaidya

An evaluation of the contribution of Indian women writers in english after independence
Dr. Anupama Verma

Political philosophies and tendancies after independence
Dr. Manoj Krushnarao Sarode

Integration of princely states and crisis of Junagadh
Dr. Abhilasha Raut

India's Role in the Global Economy
Dr. Liladhar Kharpuriye

Gender equality and diversity for the development of socio-economic status of women
Dr. Sampada Naseri

Constant transformation from freedom at midnight to freedom-to-evolve
G.A. Ghanshyam

A quest for human rights of the marginalized class in the selected poems of Meena Kandasamy
Rajesh Marotrao Kose, Dr. Neehal R. Sheikh

Postcolonial feminism in the selected works of Indian Women poets with special reference to Tishani Doshi and Meena Kandasamy
Dr. Priya D. Wanjari

Postcolonialism in Amitav Ghosh’s the circle of reason and the shadow lines
Akshara Rohankar

Post-independene indian english poetry : A kale idoscopic view
Dr. Rahul Mene

An analytical study of effects of five-year plans on the Indian Economy with reference to achievements of desired goals since its inception to 2017
Dr. Usha Rajendra Pillewar

Adoption of new technologies creating new employment opportunities in market
Sagar Tripathi, Dr. Prachi Rode

Agricultural revolutions which moved india from food deficit to food surplus since independence
Dr. Sudha Ramachandra, Mrs. Banait Vidya

Traumatic experiences in train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh
Miss. Asma Bano

Contribution of manufacturing industries in development of indian economy
Dr. Vandana Kawadkar

Indian english drama: A study of post-independence perspective
Yogeshkumar T. Shende, Dr. Maroti R Wagh

The unheard voice of the marginalized in Urvashi Butalia’s the other side of silence
Dr. Sunil D. Ramteke

Insights into digital currency's access (Cryptocurrency) and impact on the Indian Economy
Dr. Hitesh M. Dadmal, Mr. Vinayak Jain

Impact of Covid-19 on the services of Anganwadi Centers, operated under the integrated child development services scheme : A study
Moreshwar B. Shende, Dr. Shrikant Pajankar

Participation of rural and urban voters in elections in independent India (With special reference to Brahmpuri assembly)
Dnyandeep M. Bhaisare, Dr. L. H. Nandeshwar

Role of Indian Economy in Worlds Economy
Dr. Ajay Nanaji Saratkar

India's role in the world economy
Dr. Subhash S. Dadhe

Azadika Amrit Mahotsav and the condition and direction of basic social amenities
Santosh Devidas Mohadhare, Dr. K.K. Patil

Current status of industry sector in Indian Economy
Dr. Madan G. Pradhan, Prof. Jagdish R. Watmode

Niti Aayog influential on planning commission
Dr. Ravi S. Sorte

Contribution of National and Regional political parties in Nation building
Dr. Amar Bondre

Study of India's five trillion dollar economy
Dr. Vitthal Ghinmine

Communal unity - A challenge
Dr. Srikanth M. Sontakke

Economic movement of dalits: An analysis
Dr. Mangala Dahat

Changing patterns of tribal movements and culture in the post-independence era
Santosh A. Kaware

Impact of globalization on Indian Economy
Satish Shamrao Khobragade


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