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Crop Research
Year 2024, Volume-59, Issue-1and2 (January & March)
Print ISSN: 0970-4884
Online ISSN: 2454-1761

Table of Contents

Research Papers

Agronomy & Soil Science

Impact of nitrogen, sulphur and silicon application on the growth and yield of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu
Joshita Nongthombam, R. Gobi, A. Balasubramanian, S. Sathiyamurthi

Evaluation of different weed management practices on growth and yield of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Northeastern Zone of Tamil Nadu
E. Balaji, R. Raman, R. Krishnamoorthy, K. Dhanasekaran

Evaluating the effect of fly ash on soil properties and germination of rice (Oryza sativa): A study on the utilization of thermal power plant residue
Biswajit Paul, Abhishek Samanta, Nandan Bhattacharyya

Horticultural & Vegetable Crops

Effect of pre-flowering sprays of micronutrients on flowering, fruit set, fruit drop and yield of mango cv. Amrapali
Prahlad Deb, Soheli Reza

Effect of organic manures and bio-fertilizers on growth and yield of papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Red Lady
Prince Mishra, Hari Baksh, Rajaneesh Singh, Aman Srivastav

Response of various carbon sources for in vitro culture establishment and shoot proliferation of banana cv. Chinichampa (AAB) through shoot tip
S. Kikatemjen Ozukum, C. S. Maiti, Khamrang Mathukmi

Response of carbon sources and their various concentrations on in vitro rooting of banana cv. Chinichampa (AAB) through shoot tip
S. Kikatemjen Ozukum, C. S. Maiti, Pankaj Shah, Pauline Alila, A. Sarkar, L. Hemanta, Khamrang Mathukmi

Effect of organic seed priming on germination and growth of bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) in coastal saline soil
Pingidi Soujanya, CT. Sathappan, D. Dhanasekaran

Heavy metal contamination through wastewater irrigation on the soil and vegetables: Impact on the nutrient content and health risks
Rashmi Singh, Shivani Gupta, Alok Kumar Khare, Supriya Tiwari

Plant Protection

Effect of integrated nutrient-pest management and planting geometry on the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), stem borer (Busseola fusca) and weed infestation of maize (Zea mays L.) in Cameroon
Deressa Negasa Awata, Andrew E. Egbe, Christopher Ngosong

In silico and in vitro biopesticidal activity of Melia dubia (Cav.) plant leaves extract phytocompounds against selected enzymes, proteins, cell lines and Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.)
C. Shunmugadevi, S. Anbu Radhika, S. Kumaresan, P. Palanisamy

Categorization of mycotoxin producing fungi in leguminous crops and its eco-friendly management under in vitro condition
Saket Ranjan, Shrvan Kumar, Vishal Srivashtav, Virander Chaudhary


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