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CIGRE India Journal
Year : 2019, Volume : 8, Issue : 2
First page : ( 15) Last page : ( 21)
Print ISSN : 2250-0081. Online ISSN : 2250-009X.

New Approach to Reference Node selection for Wide Area situational Awareness Using PMUs in Large Grids

Kumar Chandan, Sanodiya Pradeep Kumar, Anumasula Rajkumar, Pandey Vivek, Kundu Raj Protim


Online published on 3 September, 2019.


Angular stability is one of the important factors in determining the integrity and stability of interconnected large power system. The angular separation between the various nodes in the power system provides the benchmark to decide the amount of safe power flow from one point in the grid to the other point keeping in view the credible contingencies. With the increased complexity and large size of the grid, it is important to monitor the wide area angular separation by the system operator. With the advent of Synchrophasor, the angular separation monitoring in real time has become a reality. However, its improved utilization and the better situational awareness to the operator is yet not been fully utilized due to some challenges. Among these, the selection of the reference node is one. This paper provides a practical approach for the selection of reference node during monitoring of wide area angular separation using PMUs for large grids. The criteria have been supplemented with practical case studies from the Indian power system.



Angular Separation, Angular Stability, Indian Grid, Synchrophasor, Wide area monitoring and control.


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