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CIGRE India Journal
Year 2012, Volume-1, Issue-1 (January)
Print ISSN : 2250-0081
Online ISSN : 2250-009X

Table of contents

About President
R.N. Nayak

Francois MESLIER

Editor's Note
V.K. Kanjlia

BHEL experience in implementation of IEC 61850 based sub-station automation system in India
A. Sinha, R. Singh, G. Chaklader, D. Datta

Utility experience and future expectation from sub-station automation system based on IEC 61850
I.S. Jha, Oommen Chandy, Kailash Rathore, Rajil Srivastava

Multiple power exchanges in India -A case study
S.K. Soonee, S.S. 8arpanda, M.K. Agrawal, S.C. Saxena

IEC 61850 goose applications to distribution protection schemes
Dr. Alexander Apostolov, G.K. Papneja, Ruhullslam

Guidellnes for specification and evaluation of substation automation projects based on IEC 61850
O. Maheswaran, A. Kavitha Lakshmi, R. Malarvizhi


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