Crop Improvement
Year 2005, Volume-32, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0256-0933
Online ISSN : 2231-4563 Table of contents Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis and Efficient Plant Regeneration in Trifolium alexandrinum L. Gurinder Pal Kaur, B.L. Bhardwaj, S.S. Gosal Development of PBW 343 Near Isogenic Lines for Leaf Rust Resistance Genes Lr24 and Lr28 Parveen Chhuneja, Satinder Kaur, Yogesh Vikal, N. S. Bains, H.S. Dhaliwal Genetic Divergence in Relation to Geographical Origin/Pedigree in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) S.C. Sharma, Vishal Suri Gene Effects and Interaction Analysis for Yield and Quantitative Traits in Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Under Normal and Terminal Heat Stress Conditions Ved Parkash Simulating Natural Infection of Wheat Ovaries With Tilletia indica and Interaction With Date of Sowing and Varieties Gurbir Kaur, Satvinder Kaur Genetics of Quantitative Traits in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Gurpreet Singh Gene Action for Grain Yield and its Related Traits in Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) Ved Prakash, R.V. Singh, D.D. Saini Identification of Promising Parental Inbred Lines for Development of Quality Protein Maize Hybrids Ramneek Kooner, N.S. Malhi, S.S. Pal, Harjinder Singh Assessment of Genetic Potential of Maize Inbred Lines Belonging to Different Heterotic Pools in Maize M.S.R. Krishna, N.S. Malhi, Harjinder Singh, S.S. Pal Combining Ability Analysis in Varietal Crosses of Fodder Pearl Millet [Pennisetum Glaucum (L) R. BR.] Laxman Bairwa, M. L. Jakhar Studies on Pollen Fertility in Interspecific Crosses of Pigeonpea Lokesh Kumar Gangwar, G.C. Bajpai Studies on Genetic Divergence in Lentil (Lens Culinaris) Sarvjeet Singh, Inderjit Singh, L S Dhaliwal, Neha Joshi, R K Gill Combining Ability Effects on Nitrogen Fixation Traits in Mungbean [Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek] S.J. Singh, D. Singh Mutagenic Effectiveness and Efficiency of Gamma Rays in Isabgol (Plantago Ovata Forsk) D.K. Jain, B.R. Ranwah, P.C. Bordia Heterosis and Combining Ability Studies for Economic Traits in Genetically Diverse Lines of Garden Pea (Pisum Sativum L.) Harinder Singh, Mohan Singh, P.S. Brar Genetic Diversity Studies in Clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub) Germplasm Collection Deepak Arora, N.P.S. Dhillon, A.S. Sidhu Genetic Architecture of Quantitative Characters in November Maturity Cauliflower Salesh Kumar Jindal, J C Thakur Effect of Bioagents and Fungicides Against Phomoposis Vexans and on Seed Quality of Brinjal C. SriNivas, S.R. Niranjana, H.S. Shetty Correlation and Path Analysis of Fruit Yield and its Component Traits in Muskmelon (Cucumis Melo L.) Gurkaran Singh, Tarsem Lal Top |