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Bio Science Research Bulletin
Year 2009, Volume-25, Issue-2 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0970-0889
Online ISSN : 2320-3161

Table of contents

The presence of some pathogen microorganisms of cag kebab§
Mustafa Atasever, Cemal Unsal, Yakup Karakaya, Gulsah Canakci Adiguzel

On fuzzy modelling for computing an index for medical diagnosis system
S. Jayakumar, B. Arunraj

A study on the virulence traits of Streptococcus from dental caries, its tolerence to mouthwashes and clove extract
Lali Growther, R. Rekha, Hemashenpagam

Imapact of bat guano on the growth of Triticum aestivum with reference to npk content
C.M. Bharambe, B.B. Wankhade

Migration impact on population growth
I. Tomba, Y. Ashakiran

Bacteriological investigations on eus affected fish, Channa gachua.
Ishrat Mohi-ud-din, K. Borana, M. Singh, T.A. Qureshi

Application of multi-variate receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis for clinical data
K L A P Sarma, P. Lakshmi

Evaluation of mic of Cd+2 and Hg+2 for the growth of E. coli nissle 1917
P. Seshapani, J. Pramoda Kumari


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