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Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika
Year 2023, Volume-38, Issue-4 (December)
Print ISSN: 0303-3821
Online ISSN: 0976-4631

Table of Contents

Artificial Intelligence and Agriculture: A Review
Harish Chandra Bharvey, Ramnivas Sharma

Phenotypic Description of the Native Cattle Found in Maharashtra State: A Review
Aishwarya Dash, Sanjeev Singh

Construction of Saturated D-optimal Designs for Mixture Experiments with a Non Normal Response using an Algorithmic Search
Rahul Banerjee, Seema Jaggi, Eldho Varghese, Arpan Bhowmik, Cini Varghese, Anindita Datta, Shwetank Lall

Drinking Water Plan for Narsinghpur District
Yagyesh Narayan Shrivastava

Fisheries Extension Interventions: A Review
Nisha Elizabeth Joshua, S.N. Ojha, Roshan Maria Peter, Amrutha Gopan

Foliar Application of Nano Fertilizer in Agricultural Crops: A Review
S.M. Acharya, B.D. Bhakare, A.G. Durgude, R. Thakare

Growing Green: Sustainable Agriculture Meets Precision Farming: A Review
S. Kayastha, A. Behera, J.P. Sahoo, M. Mahapatra

The Ultimate Guide to SARA Diagnosis and Care: A Review
Mohd Akil, N.S. Meena

Comparative Analysis of Predicted SSR Sequences and CpG Islands to Discover Evolutionary Relics of Sex-chromosomes in Divergent Animal Species
Barinder Singh Grewal, Shilpa Tewari, Håkon Hægland, C.S. Mukhopadhyay

A Comparative Analysis of Apple Arrival in Selected APM C’s of Shimla and Kinnaur Districts
Sikander Kumar, Vishal Chauhan

Towards Sustainable Agriculture: Evaluating the Feasibility and Perception of Natural Farming in Vizianagaram District of Andhra Pradesh, India
Chetti Praveen Kumar

Suitability of Large Cardamom Farming as Business in Eastern Corridor of Nepal
S.M. Dhungana, P.P. Regmi, S.C. Dhakal, N.R. Devkota

A Comparative Study of Drying of Muga Cocoons using Convection and Infra-red Heating Method
Chayanika Bhagabati, Shakuntala Laskar

Biochemical Analysis and DNA Barcoding of Millet Echinochloa frumentacea
A.R. Panigrahy, P.M. More, S. Prashant, S.S. Nair, K.S. Chitnis

Evaluation of Biochemical Parameters in Heavy Metals Stressed Crop Phaseolus aconitifolius Cv. RMO 225
M. Kulshrestha, A. Eesha, S. Sharma, U. Jain

Seed Quality and Longevity of Four Cowpea Accessions in Relation to Seed Coat Colour
Rashied Tetteh, Lawrence Misa Aboagye, Jennifer Obirih-Opareh, Daniel Ashie Kotey, Fuleratu Karim Adams, Abraham Yeboah

Present Status, Constraints and Potentials of Mud-crab Culture in West Bengal
S.S. Dana, C. Mazumder, S. Sau, R. Karjee, M. Ray Sarkar

Adoption of Turmeric Cultivation Practices by Turmeric Growers
V.G. Khawale, U.R. Chinchmalatpure

Optimization of Rooting Behaviour by the Application of IBA on the Cuttings of Queens Flower (Lagerstroemia speciosa)
V. Fariz, Shedage Swati, Mohammed Shamsan Mannengal, Ayate Dipika

Sensory Acceptability and Nutritional Attributes of Hummus Developed from Pearl Millet (Bajra) Microgreens
S. Yadav, M. Awasthi


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