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Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika
Year 2007, Volume-22, Issue-1 (March)
Print ISSN : 0303-3821

Table of contents

Socio-econimic benefit of sodic land reclamation and its role in rural development
R. S. Tripathi

Statistical investigation on use of application O micro nutrients in rice-wheat cropping system
Rajendra Kumar, N.P. Singh, Gyan Singh

Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and zinc on yield of rai under rainfed condition
Kamta Prasad, H. P. Chaudhary, S. K. Uttam

Effect of different levels and sources of sulphur on soil fertility after harvesting of soybean
P. S. Kulhare, D. L. Kauraw

Effect of date of sowing and nitrogenous fertilizer on the yield of rabi sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Chhattisgarh plains
Hari Agrawal, Geet Sharma, Ravi Bisen, N. K. Chaure

Leaf rust resistance genes in bread wheat cultivars
Ram Charan, Prakash Bhaur, Udai Chari Singh

An economic study of dairy farming in Rewa district of M.P.
D. P. Singh, V. B. Singh, V. N. Singh

Effect of rooting media type of stem cuting and growth regulator on rooting and growth of pomegranate cv. Ganesh
P. K. S. Gurjar, R. M. Patel

Rainfed based agrisilvicultural system green fodder production in kharif
A. S. Gill, Mukesh Kumar Bhargava

A comparative study on superovulation and embrvo recovery in frieswal cows
S. K. Maurya, A. K. Mathur

Assessment of training adoption and preserved materials of tomato for the economic uplift of rural women
Karmana Pandey, Annu Verma, S. S. Bargali

Effect of different low cost techniques on yield attributing characters of rice wheat cropping system
Brajraj Singh Kasana, Ashish Bobade, Laxman Singh Tomar

Correlation studies on paddy
Rachna Sharma

Studies on the effect of fertilizer doses and row spacing on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L)
M. D. Lodhi, U. P. Singh, B. K. Pandey, N. K. Verma, Varun Singh

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