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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year : 2016, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 28) Last page : ( 35)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418. Online ISSN : 2278-0548.

Effectiveness of jacobson'S progressive muscle relaxant technique on alcohol withdrawal symptoms among alcohol dependent patients of de-addiction centres of Punjab

Oraon Pushpa1,*, Kashyup Rajni2, Chawla Shefali3

1Vice Principal, Saraswati professional & higher education CON, Mohali

2Nursing Tutor, Saraswati professional & higher education CON, Mohali

3Assisstant Professor, Saraswati professional & higher education CON, Mohali

*Address for Correspondence: Ms. Pushpa Oraon Professor Saraswati Professional & higher education College of Nursing, Gharuan, Mohali. Email: reply_oraon26@yahoo.com M. No.: 9914166267

Online published on 21 March, 2018.



Alcohol withdrawal refers to symptoms that may occur when a person who has been drinking too much alcohol every day suddenly stops drinking alcohol. To treat or minimize these symptoms of alcohol withdrawal Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique is used. Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique was identified as effective technique to reduce the level of alcohol withdrawal symptoms


The present study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of Jacobson's Progressive Muscle Relaxant technique on alcohol withdrawal symptoms among alcohol dependent patients of de-addiction centre in selected areas of district Mohali, Punjab.


A Quantitative Research Approach was adopted for the study to assess the effectiveness of Jacobson's Progressive Muscle Relaxant technique on alcohol withdrawal symptoms among alcohol dependent patients of de-addiction centre (Reality Foundation, Civil Hospital Phase-6 Mohali, Cheema Medical Complex Mohali) in district Mohali, Punjab on 60 alcoholic dependent patients of age group of 15–70 years by using simple random sampling technique. The pre-test and post test was done by using standardized rating scale (CIWA Ar) on the level of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique was administered to reduce the level of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Collected data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics.


In pre-test 29(48.3%) subjects had mild withdrawal, 14(23.3%) had moderate withdrawal, 12(20.0%) had minimal withdrawal and 5(8.3%) had severe withdrawal. In post-test, 55(91.5%) subjects had minimal withdrawal, 5(8.3%) had mild withdrawal and none of them had moderate and severe withdrawal. The analysis revealed that the mean value of pre-test was 13.9 with Standard Deviation 5.4 and the mean value of post-test was 5.0 with Standard Deviation 2.8 with paired t-value 18.863. So there was significant difference between the mean pre-test and post-test scores at p<0.005 level.


Thus it was evident that after intervention the score of post test was less from pre-test score. It indicates that the Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique was an effective technique to reduce the level of alcohol withdrawal symptoms among the alcoholic dependent patients.



Alcohol withdrawal symptoms, Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique, Alcoholic dependent patients.


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