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Baba Farid University Dental Journal
Year 2010, Volume-1, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0976-8181
Online ISSN : 2230-7273

Table of contents

Dr. (Brig) Anil Kohli

Dr. S.S. Gill


A comparative evaluation of microleakage of single step self etch and total etch one bottle adhesive systems in primary teeth – an in vitro study
Meenu, Neeru Singh, Tarun Kumar

Clinical Studies

Assessment of dental arch expansion in cleft lip and palate patients
Ajit Jaiswal, Anjuman Khurana

Role of orthopantomography in diagnosis and treatment planning of fracture mandible
Paramjit, T. P. S. Ahluwalia

The role of three dimensional computed tomography as a diagnostic aid in the treatment of maxillofacial trauma
Jasbir Kaur

management of discolored teeth with enamel microabrasion
Gurpreet Singh, Pardeep Mahajan, Nikhil Bahuguna

Irrigating root canal: techniques, complications and management
Baljeet Sidhu, Vimal Sikri

Intraoral distraction osteogenesis of mandible in mandibular hypoplasia
Kumar Sudesh, Prabhakar Vikram, Singla Sanju, Gupta Ritesh


Oral submucous fibrosis: a review
M K Sunil, S. P. S. Sodhi

Use of antibiotic therapy in pediatric dental patients: a review
Neeru Singh, Virinder Goyal, Shaveta, Gupta Parmod

A review of zirconia ceramics
Kusum Datta, Harsimran Kaur

Why dentures fail (Part I)
B.R. Chetal, Prashant Chetal

Nanodentistry – the future ahead
Gorav Singla, Kamlesh Vasudeva, Nidhi Puri

Lycopene – role in health and disease
Ashwarya Trivedi, Mehta Ruchi, Som Datt, Arwinder Sharma

Case Reports

A novel technique for removal of unusual foreign objects from the root canal
Sunandan Mittal, Tarun Kumar, Ramta Bansal, Dilpreet Kaur

“Ocular prosthesis – a case report”
Dheeraj Kapoor, Ajay Gupta, Hemant Goel, Gaurav Chandra

A method of retention—bar and clip overdenture a case report
Pardeep Bansal, Preetika, Akshay Sharma, Rajesh Bhanot

Ortho-surgical management of class III malocclusion-a case report
J.P.S. Kalra, Parul Jain, Munish Kumar

Infected compound odontome – a case report
Trivedi Ashwarya, Datt Gupta Som, Dua Nisha, Mehta Ruchi, Mahajan Sukriti

Foreign body in upper lip
Laxman Kumar, Inderjot Singh, Parampal Singh


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