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Journal of Research The Bede Athenaeum

Publisher: St. Bedes College Shimla
Print ISSN: 0976-0598
Online ISSN: 0976-1748
Number of issues per year: 1
Print frequency: Annually
Month of publication: March

Journal of Research: THE BEDE ATHENAEUM is an official publication of St. Bede's Educational Society, Shimla, India. This multidisciplinary international peer-reviewed journal aims at promoting and publishing new concepts, knowledge and ideas from the languages, arts, social sciences applied sciences and education, thereby providing scholars a vibrant forum for sharing their research and perspectives with the academic fraternity from across India and abroad.

The journal is published on an annual basis and its soft copy is uploaded by indianjournals.com within the month of March every year. The hard copy version is printed and posted to a mailing list of prominent academic institutions of higher learning within the month of April, following its being made accessible through web links allotted to each of the published research papers.

The journal is a peer-reviewed publication. Each paper submitted for consideration by the Editorial team is stringently reviewed by three anonymous referees. Interested authors of research papers should submit their manuscripts by October 31, after which the editors will initiate the process of peer reviewing by experts from the concerned academic fields. Each manuscript must include an abstract and be submitted in MS Word format. There is no submission fee for the research articles submitted to The Bede Athenaeum for prospective acceptance for review.

Indexed/Abstract with - Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Summon(ProQuest), CNKI Scholar, Primo and Primo Central, I2OR, ESJI, DRJI and IIJIF.

International Society for Research Activity(ISRA)- Journal-Impact-Factor (JIF) : 3.447(2023)

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