Studies on natural topfall in rangda (i.e. late kharif) onion* Patil R.S., Sood V., Garande V.K., Masalkar S.D. Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth. Rahuri - 413 722, India * Paper presented in the National Symposium on Onion-garlic Production, Post-harvest Management Challenges and Strategies held at Nashik on 19th to 21st - November, 2000. Abstract Eight promising genotypes alongwith three check cultivars were assessed for self-toppling from 100–128 DAT (days after transplanting) at 4 days interval. An earliest initiation of topfall was noticed at 104 DAT in 3 genotypes viz., Sanglimner-1 and Sangamner-3 anq M-9. Among these 3 genotypes, first two recorded 50% topfall at 116 DAT, while third at 120 DAT. Thus, early maturing genotypes were identified for rangda season. At 120 DAT, all cultivars except N-2-4-1 showed occurrence of topfall with general mean of 22.67%. Therefore, 120 DAT considered as a “crucial crop stage” for occurrence of natwa1 topfall in rangda onion. The genotype, M-11 showed 50% topfall at 128 DAT and recorded moderate maturity for rangda season. While rest of the cultivars were considered the late maturity group as 50% topfall could not be achieved upto 128 DAT. Top | |
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