Insecticidal efficacy of indigenous Zingiberaceous phytochemicals against Mustard sawfly, Athalia proxima Klug. Chandel B.S., Vajpai Shail, Rajani, Chauhan A.K.S.* P.G. Department of Zoology (Entomology), D.B.S. College, Kanpur-208 006 * P.G. Department of Zoology, Narain College, Sikohabad, India < drbschandelsmailbox@rediffmail.com> Abstract Results revealed that the plant extract of Alpinia galanga caused maximum mortality (80.8%) larval mortality of Athalia proxima followed by 67.9% in C. longa, 66.3% in A. melegueta and 62.1% in Z. officinale and compared to 6.6% in control. The plant extract of Alpinia galanga differed significantly from remaining plant extracts except C. longa. The concentration of 2.0% was superior to 1.0 and 0.5%. It was also observed that the difference in the percentage kill of larvae between concentrations 1.0% and 2.0% was greater than the difference in mortality between 0.5% and 1.0% in all the three periods. It was also seen that 2.0% induced 83.5% larval mortality with in 6 hrs of exposure but in another 18 hrs larval mortality increased only by 7.58%. Top Key words Athalia proxima, Botanicals, Phytochemicals, Alpinia galanga, Curcuma longa. Top | |
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