Bio-efficacy of plant extracts on parasitisation of Trichogramma chilonis Ishii, T. japonicun Ashmead and T. poliae Nagaraja Shankarganesh K., Khan M.A. Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture GBPUA&T, Pantnagar-263 145, India. Abstract The results revealed that the highest % parasitisation of Trichogramma chilonis, T. japonicum and T. poliae was observed in plant extracts of Saccharum officinarum (61.3%) and Cajanus cajan (54,0%) whereas the highest emergence was found in Oryza sativa (51.5%), O. sativa (52.0%) and S. officinarum (37.7%), respectively. Extract of Ricinus communis had shown lowest parasitisation (25.0%) as well as emergence (22.3%) in case of T. chilonis. In case of T. japonicum, the extract of Vigna sinensis and R. communis indicated lowest parasitisation (24.0%). T. aestivum had shown lowest parasitisation (15.6%) as well as emergence (14.6%) by T. poliae. Top Key words Trichogramma spp., Plant extracts, Parasitisation. Top | | | |
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