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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year 2024, Volume-24, Issue-3 (September)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963
Online ISSN : 0974-181X

Table of contents RSS Feed

Research Papers

Effect of garlic essential oil supplementation on performance, milk yield and economics in lactating Berari goats
A.M. Borkar, K.Y. Deshpande, A. Vedpathak, M.R. Patil, S.M. Gore, R.S. Ingole, G.J. Panchbhai, P.S. Kuralkar

Calf fecal origin Limosilactobacillus reuteri and Helianthus tuberosus synbiotic improved gut health with calf fecal inoculum using In vitro hind gut model
K.S.R. Lakshmi, Anju Kala, A.K. Verma, L.C. Chaudhary, Neeta Agarwal, Md. Younus Ali, Bharath Shindhe

Evaluation of substrate specific non-starch polysaccharide enzymes in commercial layer diets containing alternate protein supplements
S. Parashuramulu, D. Srinivasa Rao, S.V. Rama Rao, J.V. Ramana, A. Ravi

Influence of different carbon sources on growth, digestive enzyme activity and hematological profile of GIF Tilapia reared in biofloc system
M. Joshna, B. Ahilan, Cheryl Antony, K. Ravaneshwaran, P. Chidambaram, A. Uma, S. Mahalakshmi, S.S. Lingam

Performance of broiler chickens fed various levels of raw and boiled nere (Parkia biglobosa, Jacq. Benth) seeds meal in Dakar region, Senegal
S.B. Ayssiwede, M. Tigana, A.E. Djettin, S. Atchiwassa, M.C. Bonou, A. Missohou

Effect of Tinospora cordifolia, Withania somnifera and Asparagus racemosus supplementation on rumen fermentation pattern and substrate degradation
Sonali Namdeo, Navneet Kaur, Juli Chakma, Narayan Dutta, S.E. Jadhav

Effect of herbal feed additives rich in tannins on rumen fermentation pattern, enteric methane emission and performance of buffalo calves
P.K. Sidhu, M. Wadhwa, A.S. Singh, M.P.S. Bakshi

Evaluation of plant and meat based dog foods by In-vitro and In-vivo digestibility techniques
M. Sachin, H.S. Madhusudhan, T.M. Prabhu, H.M. Yathish, B.M. Veeregowda, P.C. Suhas, B. Shylesh

Haemato-biochemistry, serum minerals, immune status, and meat quality of goats fed diet supplemented with sulphate reducing bacteria with sulphur
Sandeep Uniyal, L.C. Chaudhary, Anju Kala, Neeta Agarwal

Effect of feeding raw or treated faba bean (Vicia faba) on production performance, haematobiochemicals, nutrients utilization and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens
P.K. Singh, Chandan Kumar, Kaushalendra Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, Priyanka Kumari, M.P. Vijay

Nutrient utilization and rumen fermentation profile of goats fed on gram straw (Cicer arietinum) based complete feed pellets
P.V. Patil, M.K. Gendley, A.P. Dhok, Meenu Dubey, Vandana Bhagat

Effect of dietary supplementation of Ashwagandha, selenium and vitamin E on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass characteristics and economics in broiler chicken
S.N. Nirmal, S.M. Bhalerao, A.V. Khanvilkar, V.R. Patodkar, A.S. Kadam, A.Y. Doiphode, A.K. Barate, V.M. Sardar, G.S. Sonawane

Effect of total mixed ration on intake, blood biochemical profile and rumen fermentation in stallfed beetal kids
Priya, M. Singla, S. Kaswan, R.S. Grewal, N. Kashyap, D.S. Malik

Effect of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) herb on feed intake, milk yield and composition and reproductive performance of lactating cows
J.L. Choudhary, Rashmi Bhinda, J.R. Jat

Short Communication

Growth performance and carcass characteristics of ram lambs fed concentrate mixture containing varying levels of guava waste meal
G. Dileep Kumar, K. Raja Kishore, J.V. Ramana, M. Naveen Swaroop, Ch. Venkata Seshaiah, M. Sairam


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