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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2010, Volume : 10, Issue : 1
First page : ( 19) Last page : ( 28)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963.

Organic Matter Digestibility and Condensed Tannin Content of Some Hybrid Sorghum

Gurbuz Y.*, Davies D.R.1

Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bingol, Uydukent, Bingol, Turkey.

*Reprint request: Dr. Y. Gurbuz, Tel: +90 4262151050; E-mail: yavuzselim-06@hotmail.com

1Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Animal Science, Aberystwyth, SY23 3EB, UK.

Received:  24  October,  2008.


The purpose of the study was to determine fermentation, chemical composition and digestibility of thirteen sorghum grain hybrids, being SH1, SH2, SH3, SH4, SH5, SH6, SH7, SH8, SH9, SH10, SH11, SH12 and SH13. Samples were analyzed for ash, acid detergent fibre and crude protein. Grain samples were assayed for condensed tannins (CT), and their interference on gas production. Differences (P<0.01) in chemical composition occurred among hybrids. Grains of hybrids with low CT levels had higher organic matter digestibility (OMD; P<0.01). Negative correlations (P<0.01) occurred between CT content and gas production as well as organic matter digestibility (OMD). Grain hybrids without CT had better fermentation parameters and OMD. There was variation in condensed tannins content in SH8 and SH9, 11.48 and 15.25 mg/kg, respectively. A cumulative gas production, kinetics of gas production, ME, OMD, NH3-N and VFA concentrations were determined. Average CP ranged from 7.44 to 10.27 g/kg DM. VFA concentration in rumen fluid, ME, OMD, CT content, WSC, NH3 -N and pH values were significantly (P<0.01) different among all sorghum hybrids. The present study concluded that different sorghum hybrids are good quality energy source and has potential as alternative to corn for animal feeding based on chemical composition, gas production and OMD; However, the presence of CT in some of the sorghum hybrids may adversely affect their potential nutritive value.



Condensed tannins, OMD, Feed value, Gas production, Hybrid grain sorghum.


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