Asian Man (The) - An International Journal
Year 2012, Volume-6, Issue-1 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0974-6366
Online ISSN : 0975-6884 Table of contents Visual Representation in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church: Church Paintings and Conservation Problems Bantalem Tatesse People's Perception and State's Response During Floods: Evidence from the Bahraich District of Uttar Pradesh Prashant Khattri, P.C. Joshi Displacement and Resettlement in the Name of Development: A Unique Case of Resettled Colony of Multi-Tribals in Nagapura Nishant Saxena, Shruti Singh Saxena Circumcision by Barbers in Rural India: A Scientific Study of an Ancient Method Devadas Hegde, G.R. Krishnamurthy Temples of Jaunsar-Bawar: Architecture and Legends Gitima Arora Initiations of Life: Dimensions of Birth in a Tribal Community of Assam Arifur Zaman Research Reports Haptoglobin Polymorphism and G-6-Pd Status Deficiency among the Brahmins and Rajputs of Solan District, Himachal Pradesh Piyoosh Kumar Singh, Motilal, M.P. Sachdeva, Kallur Nava Saraswaty Fixed-Dose Combinations: Current Scenario in India Rakesh Chandra Verma, Pratap Shankar, Amod Kumar Sachan, Rakesh Kumar Dixit Fertility Patterns of the Agarwal Women of Lucknow City (U.P.) Pooja Agarwal, Vibha Agnihotri Women's Role in Adaptive Measures Regarding Climate Change Anvita Verma, Gauravi Dwivedi Indian Princely States: Condition of the Common Man in Mewar and Patiala States Amita Sonker Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs): Developing Trends in Historical Perspectives Akansha Shukla Research News Life Skills Training: Teachers’ Facilitator Neetu Yadav, Preetu Srivastava, Manvi Yadav Professionalising Teachers: A Model Code of Professional Ethics Akhilesh, Ajay Pandey Comments ‘Illness’, ‘Sickness’ and ‘Healing’: An Investigation Through the Lens of an Anthropologist Shishir Kumar Yadav Hindi Veethika ÖæÚÌèØ ¥æçÎßæâèÑ ·éÀ çß¿æÚ °. ¥æÚ. °Ù. ŸæèßæSÌß ×æÌëˆß °ß´ çàæàæä SßæS‰Ø ·æØü·ý× mæÚæ â´¿æç¶Ì ÖæÚÌèØ »ýæ×è‡æ â×æÁ ×ð´ SßæS‰Ø âðßæ ·æ ×åËØæ´·Ù ·æ×Ùæ ÎèçÿæÌ Âýæ¿èÙ ÖæÚÌ ×ð´ Îç¶Ì ¥çÏ·æÚ â´Îè ·ä×æÚ ×ôÌè ·æ ·æ×, °· ¥Î÷ÖäÎ ãSÌçàæË ÂåÙ× Úçß ÁæØâßæ¶ Book Reviews Biomedical Research from Ideation to Publication Rakesh Kumar Dixit, Pratap Shankar, Dwividendra Kumar Nim Molecular Genetics, Volumes 1 and 2 Gaurav Mishra Essentials of Medical Pharmacology Pratap Shankar, Rakesh Kumar Dixit Top |