Studies on Abrasive Wear Behavior of UHMWPE Composites under Dry Sliding Condition Selvam S.*, Marimuthu K.** *Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India **Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India Online published on 2 August, 2016. Abstract The abrasive wear behavior of PEEK and Nano sized Alumina reinforced compression molded UHMWPE composites has been studied for varying wear parameters such as applied load, filler content and sliding speed using RSM based five level central composite design under dry sliding conditions on pin-on-disc wear tester against abrasive media. Analysis of variance has been used to study the influence of wear parameters on the wear behavior of the composites. The ANOVA results indicate that the filler content has a significant effect on volume loss followed by applied load and sliding speed. The results revealed that the addition of PEEK and Alumina improved the wear resistance of the UHMWPE composites greatly. Top Keywords UHMWPE composites, Abrasive wear, PEEK, Nano α Alumina, ANOVA. Top | |
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