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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 8
First page : ( 350) Last page : ( 359)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00616.X

An Efficient Modern Irrigation and Plant Growth Monitoring System using Sensor Network

Rani K. Sheela Sobana*, Indhumathi N.**

*Associate Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

**PG Scholar, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

Online published on 2 August, 2016.


The Automated irrigation and plant growth monitoring system is used to optimize the use of water resource for Agriculture. The system consists of the distributed wireless sensor network of soil, moisture, temperature, color sensors. Moisture and temperature sensors are placed in the root zone of the crops. The controller unit is used to control the irrigation motor thereby controlling the water flow to the field. The microcontroller of the controller unit is programmed with threshold values of the temperature and moisture content. Color sensor is placed height of the plant leaf, according to the leaf color pesticides are automatically irrigated to the plants. High performance microcontroller PIC is used in the controller node. The Sensor nodes are power by the 9V battery which can be recharged with solar cell. GSM module is used to send the information about the field. Due to its least cost and high performance, the system can be used even in areas of limited water supply and plant growth monitoring.



Wireless Sensor Network, Soil Moisture Sensor, Temperature Sensor, color sensor, GSM Modem.


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