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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 5
First page : ( 982) Last page : ( 989)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00164.7

Going all the Way: A Study on Porn viewing Habits and its Influence on Violent Sexual Fantasies in India

Dr. Velayutham C.*, Tamilselvi N.**

*Assistant Professor, Department of Media Sciences, Anna University, Chennai, India

**Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Visual Communication, Alpha Arts and Science College, Chennai, India

Online published on 3 May, 2016.


Pornography is often assumed as harmless by many since sex is part of life. In reality pornography has many devastating effects. These sexually explicit materials sabotage the ability to enjoy normal sex. In many marriages, the husband isn't interested in sex with his wife because the porn contents have programmed him to respond to a much higher level of erotic stimulation. Porn gives a wild thought to many men that sex is related to perfect shaped body with huge sex organs. After viewing the perverse acts performed by the porn stars, stimulation for sex becomes hard for men with his average looking reserved wife. It is something similar to drug addiction where over the time there is an increasing need for more stimulation to get the same effect. This problem is not solved after marriage or after being with an intimate willing sexual partner. This addiction which leads to perverted act is mainly due to the mental image in the mind of the porn viewers which is fully loaded with powerful sexual images of perverted acts by the exposure of pornography. Such prolonged exposure drives the viewers to attempt the unnatural and unrealistic sexual act they witness in such movies and experiment those perverted act with their partners. This study attempts to find out the influence of pornography in real life among porn viewers and also the myth related to size of the sex organ for a satisfying sex.


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