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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year 2016, Volume-6, Issue-1 (January)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315

Table of contents

Mahendra Singh Dhoni: A Case Study in Leadership
Dr. Madhuchhanda Mohanty

Health Programme Evaluation: Experience from Malaria in Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal
Kunal Kanti De, Amitabha Dan, A R Pasi, M Jalaluddeen

An Examination on the Influence of Mother Tongue in English Language Learning
J. Rajini, R. Gomathy, R. Ramya Sri

Dynamics of Agricultural Mechanisation and Rural Labour Force
Dr. Rangalal Mohapatra

Building Peace in the Central African Republic
Dr. Kiven James Kewir, Mr. Sunjo Emile

Sustainability of Ground Water for Sustainable Agricultural Development - A Study in Telangana State
G. Janardhan, Dr. S. Radha Krishna

Contested vision of Development & Change in the North Western Trans-Himalayas: Auto-ethnography of an Anthropologist
Vijay Kumar Bodh

Human Rights and Religion: Perspectives and Retrospectives
N. Chaitanya Pradeep, Venugopal B Menon

A Framework for Influencing Knowledge sharing Behavior Factors: A Literature Review
Dr. Manjit Singh, Mrs. Pradeepika

Poor Affordability and Low Access to Primary Education with special reference to Eastern Uttar Pradesh: Reflections from DISE Data
Dr. Rosy Sulochana

The Relationship between Religious Beliefs, Life Expectancy, and Life Satisfaction with Students' Addiction
Zeinab Sirous Jahedi, Sadegh Nasri, Ahadollah Azizi

The Ownership of the Devoted Property and the Endowment Managers in Iran's Laws
Hamid Reza Nourmohammadi, Mohammad Hassan Javadi

Features of Concluding Lease and General Terms of Leasing of Devoted Properties
Hamid Reza Nourmohammadi, Mohammad Hassan Javadi

Requirements analysis for integrating e-government information systems
Ali Khishvand, Sedigheh Mohammadesmail, Fahimeh Bab Alhavaeji, Fatemeh Noushin Fard


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