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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year 2015, Volume-5, Issue-10 (October)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315

Table of contents

Gender Sensitive Capabilities Framework: An Emerging Approach to the Study Capability Deprivation of Elderly Women in India
P.V. Laavanya

Behaviour Patterns and Problems of Children of Migrant Families: A Cross-analysis study among Children of Single-Parent and Two-Parent Families
Rengasamy Stalin, Agathumariyan Michael, Dr. Murugesan Srinivasan

The Student Unrest in the State of Manipur: An Empirical Analysis
Ms. Koni Potsangbam, Dr B.T Lawani

Marketing the Unique and Enthralling Destinations of Assam to the Global Tourists: An Empirical Study
Nurmahmud Ali, Sidharth Srivastava, Earnest Anand

A Study of Identification and Assessment of Children with Dysgraphia in Telangana State
Akella Indira, Dr. Premavathy Vijayan

Relevance of Soft Power in Indian Foreign Policy
Ruchi Tripathi

Acceptability and Utilization of Female Condom among Couples attending Family Welfare Clinics in Mumbai
Senthil Sellappan, Neha Minde, Pratibha Kokate, Rahul Gajbhiye, Achhelal Pasi

Indo-Bhutan Bilateral Relations and Narendra Modi
Juhi Srivastava

Addiction - Its Impact on Urban Poor Households
Arun Keshav, Dr. J.B. Komaraiah

Review of Risk Factors Associated with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
A R Pasi, M S Hanchate, Pallavi Uplap

Evaluate the effectiveness of in-service training of primary's teachers in Kish Island
Mahnosh Abdini, Zahra Sayafan


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