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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 7
First page : ( 223) Last page : ( 242)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

The Damini Rape Case: Addressing Sexual Violence and Women's Rights in Indian Society

Man Ban Q

Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, International Students’ House, Delhi, India

Online published on 5 July, 2014.


Research shows that the attitude of Indian society towards women, as reflected by the high rate of sexual assault, is extremely poor. In particular, the manner in which the Indian media reports sexual assault and harassment significantly affects the public's awareness of this issue, as well as their interest in changing it. Therefore, this paper examines how several social practices perpetuate the high rate of sexual assault in India today. These practices include: (1) the patriarchal family structure, (2) the dowry system, and (3) the caste system. Accordingly, this paper aims to contribute to improving the social status of women in India by arguing for a cognitive shift with regard to media reports about sexual assault that negatively affect women. To that end, this analysis takes an interdisciplinary approach, using a wide array of data sources. Following this analysis, recommendations for altering attitudes toward women in India are presented.



Caste, Dowry, Gang Rape in India, Patriarchy, Women's Rights.


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