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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 2
First page : ( 257) Last page : ( 271)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity of Rural Household to Changing Climate in Sikkim Himalaya

Dr. Mishra Manoranjan*, Dr. Barik Bratati**, Singh Amrita***, Timsina Kausila***, Bhutia Karma Detsen Omgu***, Suddareshwaran A. Bala***

*Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

**University of Delhi, India

***Department of Geography and Natural Resource Management, Sikkim University, India

Online published on 15 February, 2014.


The stress of global climate change is going to disrupt the ecological stability of fragile mountains, highlands, glaciers, coastline, mangroves and coral reefs and put these systems at risk. Further, these expected changes will affect the rural communities of highland due to high dependency upon natural resources for their livelihood which are very sensitive to vagaries of climate. This research paper analyze and broaden the view of micro level integrated vulnerability of indigenous mountain communities to climate change and to develop practical adaptation strategies to mitigate these upcoming threats which may be incorporated to conventional management policy. The required data and basic information of rural household and communities of highlands related to climate change vulnerability and adaptations were collected from direct questionnaire based primary field study and physical survey based on the results of 140 respondents in highland villages (Namtham, Pamphok, South Sikkim) of Sikkim. The analysis is presented in form of graphs and cross tabulation. The output of this paper will provide policy relevant insight for formulating sustainable adaptation strategies for rural household of highlands averting the ongoing and future climate crisis.



Adaptation, climatic stress, fragile mountain ecosystems.


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