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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year 2013, Volume-3, Issue-8 (August)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315

Table of contents

Existing scenario of nutritional services at anganwadi centre: A study in Urban zone of Jammu District
Dr. Shashi Manhas, Annpurna Dogra

Women empowerment through mahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee scheme (MGNREGS) in India with special reference to Assam
Upen Konch

Soul incorporeity from the look of Avicena, Sheikh-el- Eshragh & Mullah-Sadra
Yazdan Sohrabi, Ashraf Noroozian

Autonomy of tribal women in India
Susmita Bharati, Manoranjan Pal, Premananda Bharati

Knowledge and attitude towards marriage of currently married women in Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal, India
Sibsankar Mal

Study of measures adopted by schools for implementing inclusive education with respect to right to education act
Dr. Parsanjeet Kumar, Ms. Parul Agarwal

Perception of school children about the models of science in regional science centre, Bhubaneswar
Dipak Bhattacharya

Globalization, human rights and women: An analysis
Chandan Kumar Dan

The flagship programmes in India
Nirmal Singh

Television programmes and watching habits of viewers
S. H. Sheik Mohamed, Dr. V. P. Nedunchezhiyan

The perceptual manifold: Martin navnihal lochner's encounters with reality
Dr. Piku Chowdhury

Gender differential personality development in single sex and coeducational primary schools
Dr. Raana Malik

Tribal development in Jammu & Kashmir: Retrospect & prospect
Umer Jan Sofi

Segmenting the livestock population in the state of Karnataka into homogenous zones – multidimensional scaling approach
Reshma M, Sachindra Babu A

The high risk zone of HIV/AIDS in N.E. India: Golaghat district of Assam Antora Borah
Ms. Antora Borah

Facebook and youth: Depression and other health issues are the offshoots of over use of facebook
Aftab Ahmad Rather

ESP for increased labour market insertion for doctors
Stan Vanda

88 emerging threats to profitability of Indian banking industry
Dr. R.K. Uppal, Amit Juneja

Food insecurity at household level in Aligarh district
Saba Owais, Akram Hannan, Dr. Menka


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