The process of urbanization in Kerala, India Dr. K.S Laya, Faculty Member Department of Demography, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Online published on 10 July, 2012. Abstract One of the major problems faced by most of the developed countries like India is the rapid growth of urban population. The state of Kerala which experienced a low level of urbanization till 2001 shows a sharp increase in its urban share recently according to the 2011 Census results. Kerala has an urban share of nearly 48 percent in 2011 which was only 26 percent in 2001 and has the highest growth rate of urban population during the last decade among the major states. At this juncture the present study is an attempt to analyze the pattern of urbanization in Kerala and its districts. An attempt has also been made to project the urban population of Kerala and its districts up to 2051 by assuming the present urban-rural growth differential will continue in the future also. Data from 1961 Census publications onwards are taken, but district-wise analysis is restricted to 1991–2011. A study on the pattern of urbanization is very important while devising policies and programmes, especially urban-specific. Any development programme should consider the level of urbanization also for its effective implementation. Top | |
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